Special Edition: New Novel SERPENT SWORD Is Here!
The sequel to BATTLE FOR THE WASTELANDS is now available to purchase as Kindle e-book or in print.
In late 2019, after one last round of revisions based on suggestions from Baen Books volunteer editors, I independently published my “The Dark Tower meets Game of Thrones” military fantasy Battle for the Wastelands. After a somewhat longer interval than I would have liked, the sequel Serpent Sword is now available for purchase in e-book (free if you’ve got Kindle Unlimited) and in print.
Here’s the back-cover copy. Beware Battle spoilers.
Killing a cannibal overlord was just the beginning. Now there’s a war to win, and the odds are getting worse.
For capturing a dirigible from the cannibalistic Flesh-Eating Legion and rescuing rebel chieftain Alonzo Merrill, Andrew Sutter earned a promotion. Now the rebel armies are carving a bloody swath toward the old capital of Jacinto. Victory seems near as the man-eaters crumble before the Merrills’ salvaged Old World arsenal.
But Grendel, first lord of the Northlands, marches south to turn back the tide. Although he had planned to betray the Flesh-Eaters and replace them with his son by Alonzo’s captive sister Catalina, Grendel cannot let the rebels’ defeat of the Flesh-Eater ruler go unavenged. He brings with him hundreds of thousands of reinforcements and Catalina herself as bait.
With Jacinto under siege and enemy armies drawing ever-nearer, Andrew and his friends must descend into the occupied city of Long Branch to rescue Catalina and confront the dreaded first lord himself.
I asked Western author James Reasoner and science fiction author Chris Nuttall, both of whom reviewed Battle and its prequel novella “Son of Grendel” on their blogs and Amazon, to blurb it for me and they came through.
Reasoner: “There’s no sophomore slump in Serpent Sword, the second book in Matthew Quinn's Wastelands series, which combines post-apocalyptic science fiction, family saga, and Western elements. That’s an ambitious combination, but Quinn pulls it off in fine fashion. Serpent Sword has plenty of action, compelling characters, and an intriguing, well-developed villain/anti-hero in Grendel, the dictator of the northern realms who's trying to take over the rest of the continent. This is an excellent series.”
– New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestselling author James Reasoner
(Owing to space limitations I could only use half of the blurb on the back cover of the paperback. Full blurb will be on the Amazon page.)
Nuttall: “A fast-paced war story shaped by remarkable commanders, with the destiny of an entire world hanging in the balance.”
-Christopher G. Nuttall, best-selling author of the Ark Royal and Empire’s Corps series
Now you can purchase it on Amazon. Since I’ve checked off Expanded Distribution, you should be able to order print books through other retailers.
Enjoy! And reviews, good or bad, always appreciated.