Thanks. This'll probably be my last con before THE WALKING WORM goes into general release in February. TWW will be my first new book in roughly a year; I've lost money on the last couple cons because one can only squeeze so much blood from a stone.
I have a huge catalog and still often lose money at events. So maybe I should wish you a great time and connection with some good authors. I just checked the list and I'm jealous!
Oh my goodness have fun at conjuration! I just met Jessi Ann York on my panels at Multiverse. She is amazing. Good luck, sell lots of books!
Thanks. This'll probably be my last con before THE WALKING WORM goes into general release in February. TWW will be my first new book in roughly a year; I've lost money on the last couple cons because one can only squeeze so much blood from a stone.
I have a huge catalog and still often lose money at events. So maybe I should wish you a great time and connection with some good authors. I just checked the list and I'm jealous!
Thanks. They gave me a free vending table in exchange for all the panels, so I think this one'll make me some money. :)